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My dreams are starting to become too realistic and are messing up my memories‽
So the past week or so my dreams have started to become realistic and dull, like normal life. I also remember quite a few when I wake up. I'm usually confused at first and am trying to distinguish whether what I had dreamed actually happened or not. For example one I can remember was I was in the truck with my dad and there was a stain on my shorts. I woke up and thought my shorts had a stain but wasn't for sure if it was a dream or not. I checked, and no stain. So it obviously was a dream. They're also only vaguely memorable, like I can't remember anything before or after that, it just seems like an oddball memory when really it was a dream that's trying to trick me. I recently have been trying to lucid dream, and this makes it difficult since they're so normal everyday life things.

Has anyone else had this happen before? Just seems kind of odd :V
No, I don't believe I had dreams like that, or well I do, but they are in succession like BAM i'm a store buying something, then I blink then I'm in the middle of a forest with a skytrain station.

Try eating wacky food, Like you know how parents say don't eat junk food before you sleep you'll get nightmares.

I prefer Nightmares than those dreams you are having.
Uhh, yeah. Not to a serious degree. But I think that I had a dream in which I handed in a report, but didn't hand it in! Might be the other way around, I don't remember.
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
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Looks like you've junctioned too many guardian forces(GFs) to yourself.

(Props to anyone who gets the reference)
Dreams are (in a very strand way) alwes linked to reality. But your brain will decress or incress the affects, like how you awles wake up befor dieing, thats becuse youve never experinced death. But say you burned your self with a match, that could link you to haveing a dream about being coverd in flames. Your brain also send you messages through dreams, maby yours is saying that your about to realy see the world.
i had a dream i was eating rice and beans and my mom told me i had i girlfriend. Thats when i knew it was a dream :/. I had a recent dream i was playing with my friends but i dont know where my friends live. I had another dream i was playing toribash wii and it had an update and thats when i knew it was a dream.

I watched 1000 ways to die and this hot chick died because she thought her dream was reality. So dream about waffles or my little pony and not bad stuff
Happens to me every single time I have a dream that I can remember anything about and sometimes while daydreaming. My subconscious makes things feel so much more real than they should; it's quite annoying.
Ye happens to me aswell.
I actually sometimes see dreams about shit that happens afterwards. (Don't remember the correct word)
It's All About Expansion
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Looks like you've junctioned too many guardian forces(GFs) to yourself.

(Props to anyone who gets the reference)

I lol'd
Last edited by box; Jul 13, 2011 at 06:54 PM. Reason: useless post
that mean you is indigo, it's usuall for some people
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