My dreams are starting to become too realistic and are messing up my memories‽
So the past week or so my dreams have started to become realistic and dull, like normal life. I also remember quite a few when I wake up. I'm usually confused at first and am trying to distinguish whether what I had dreamed actually happened or not. For example one I can remember was I was in the truck with my dad and there was a stain on my shorts. I woke up and thought my shorts had a stain but wasn't for sure if it was a dream or not. I checked, and no stain. So it obviously was a dream. They're also only vaguely memorable, like I can't remember anything before or after that, it just seems like an oddball memory when really it was a dream that's trying to trick me. I recently have been trying to lucid dream, and this makes it difficult since they're so normal everyday life things.
Has anyone else had this happen before? Just seems kind of odd :V