In Smash there is a poll about being enemies or allies with our clan, as Pookie told me.
So , i am willing you to vote the same - Enemies or Allies with Smash ?
eh Smash was the Shlims first clan after the great Machine Wars of Shlim Union......damn AI, i personally dont have anything against smash.... but know what we should do?
KK my suggestion.. make a few multiple choice poll, each with 10 (max poll Qs) Clans on on them, and we'll vote on enimes and allies... of course only the ones with high votes will be chosen
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
haha! but it will! now that ur the war.. dude....guy
and oh yea
Originally Posted by Me
KK my suggestion.. make a few multiple choice poll, each with 10 (max poll Qs) Clans on on them, and we'll vote on enimes and allies... of course only the ones with high votes will be chosen