Original Post
Hazy dancing in the scarlet midnight
Relatively clever title...or not
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#DemonsDance.rpl (287.9 KB, 165 views)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
You mean: "Hayz dancing in the scarlet midnight"?

Anyways, about the replay...
Opener was good but then booms came and turned the replay to "meh".
There's lack of flow and you use always the same leg to dismember... curious, hein?

Last edited by Hayz; Jul 18, 2011 at 07:52 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
my leg is a pokemon
no really
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
random stuff
this sucks btw
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akt - crap.rpl (136.9 KB, 67 views)
Last edited by Kat; Aug 1, 2011 at 05:26 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
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#oc37nn.rpl (258.6 KB, 68 views)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
u guys r fegs
7 veiws nu cumments :
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
woah epic
cause the pose was a bit wierd...(for me)
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
Yes I am,also You're right I kind of lacked flow after the first boom (thanks to the oc37 entry for the flow in the beggining of dem rpl).I'll make a new replay soon btw ,when I feel like it.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
guise dick replay incoming
I have a really bad day
Attached Files
#InoTiceDthAt.rpl (271.3 KB, 38 views)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter