(screw banners)
silent night and
blooming day
the mortal coil understands nothing
other than our own beat
the tone of our beings
(Treated as they contribute in the clan, no 'high' ranks, no elitism inside the clan)
karagaz the conductor
sahsaap the organist
phytonis the bassist
The Council
The identities of the council are classified.
Don't be a dick.
Don't be stupid.
Free form applications.
Be creative.We seek to find mature and intelligent players as our clan is social-based, we will judge you based on your application, forum activity and IRC activity.
(you probably won't get in)
No, you can't be an ally.
No, you can't be an enemy.
Yes, you can invade (until we say otherwise).
Yes, you can donate. Send all TC to karagaz.
Yes, we are awesome.
No, you are not.