Original Post
[Tex] Lightness and darkness
Lightness and darkness

Head [x]
Legs [x]
Arms [-]
Torso [-]
Feet [-]
Hands [-]
Last edited by Weddark; Jul 26, 2011 at 11:05 AM.
concept way overdone. Nothing to interesting about it, it's lacky A LOT of detail. The only thing interesting is the deferent way you made the two sides meet.

Meh so far.
imo great concept but too hard colors :S
it would look alot better with qs and demon ( since they arent as 'hard' as pure and void )
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Personally there are a lot of sets like this, and it would be cool to take a different colour scheme to it...

The legs look a little bit pixely still to me... but I could be imagining.
League of Legends NA: Locus
It's quite an interesting concept, but there are some places that I don't really enjoy.
First of all, the head. Imo, the black and white parts don't blend together too well and the face is kinda... strange.
The front of thinghts areso weird. I can't understand what is it, even more, why is it there. These "horns" look just strange.
Also, you might want to add some asymmetric stuff to the set, not just change the colors.
For now, it's all my critique. I like the set and idea in general, but it still needs some work.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc