Not bad
replays were very repetative though, split + decap, into a split + decap into a split + decap etc etc etc
recording was pretty smooth, though with not using raytracing, i would have liked to see some bezcam going on(unless theyv released an updated version that works with it now?)
The slow mo and speed up didnt seem dramatic at all for some reason, maybe you need to slow it down/speed it up some more. or maybe it was because you sped it up between boom hits while the music was still slow, i dunno.
sync was done well, but it feels a bit too routine, and same as the replays, it was too predictable. you were syncing to some of the minor beats when doing the double boom hits, rather than saving those for double power notes
transitions werent great, it was more like watching a gallery of replays than a single video, never really figured out how you would counter this, besides for how Fnugget did it in the inq vid.
effects, well, ive never been a fan of many of the preset effects, and you didnt use those too much, but id have like to see you editing a bit more than just the speed up and sync + a few presets.
the way you did the intro was almost there, recording from different angles on the run up, then the camera shake when you landed the kick. could have been exxagerated a little more but w/e, after that everything just felt a bit too much of the same.
i like how you didnt change the shader throughout the vid, hate it when people do that.
overall, not too shabby, pretty standard, but improvement is very much possible.