Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Been looking up at this guy on youtube:

He steals other toribash videos, and wont give even credits for them

what you think guys?
"B U R A K K U W A I T O A A M A A"
- B l a c k | W h i t e | A r m o r -
Well if the real players names are in the vid, and he has alot of different vids, then it's common sense that some of those aren't his videos.
Originally Posted by tristan100000000
They arent that good anyway...

this thread aint about the quality + if someone would steal your videos you'd be pissd alot especially when he takes all the credit for it :S i think you should tell it to the creators of those videos they will for sure 'take him down' lol
other than that you cant really do anything else
Check out my Youtube!
someone stealing another persons work and not crediting them and saying that they are the best is BS. If someone stole my videos on youtube i would rape them and delete there aaccount or just report it as copyright or something
Who would steal something and then say who.. Oh man.

This isn't even worth discussing, all you can get from this thread is a bunch of raging kids who obviously don't have anything better to do. Just click the copyright report button, no need to be so dramatic.
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Who would steal something and then say who.. Oh man.

This isn't even worth discussing, all you can get from this thread is a bunch of raging kids who obviously don't have anything better to do. Just click the copyright report button, no need to be so dramatic.

what does that mean.