Pivot ban.
hello there,
I use pivot for animations, i'm not good but I'm also not a complete beginner.
Once I posted all my animations in a thread until the Pivot ban came.
I completely understand that you guys get sick of all the nub pivots, but still I thought it was a bit unfair, but okay.
now what I think is weird, is that people can't post their noob pivots anymore, but they CAN make threats about their noob Flashes, or bad photoshop creations.
now I'm not pointing it towards YOU, ofcourse.
So I've seen people making flashes, whether good or not, and posting them in multiple topics, one topic for one animation.
So that is okay, but having one thread for your pivots is not?
Also I've seen some REALLY good pivot artists, but they can't have their thread either wich is a shame, because almost no one looks at the pivot megathread.
I don't get why you people hate pivot so much, ofcourse it's WAY less possibilities than Flash, but should that mean it should be banned from the forums?
Discrrrrimination! :L
I personally think Pivot shows skill, because it's so simple and yet you can make these great animations, wich is hard, so I respect these elite pivoters.
If you guys don't want these noobish animations, why not make a big beginner thread?
or even a beginner subboard?
you can do something like, "post here until you get moved up to the normal General Art board."
this was my opinion, please share yours too
I would also like to say that this is my longes post ever. Booyeah!
Last edited by Caesar; Apr 12, 2008 at 09:08 PM.