Original Post
Sorry to invade your boards, but I was just scouring the clan boards and I noticed this fairly new clan.

You just should put up some stickies to organize your board. It looks more professional as mature. Otherwise it's hard for others to navigate in your clan's forum. Hope my advice helped!
[Freelance]CMon:Im here to take over RA servur!
[Freelance]CMon:maybe later when theres a little less people
[Freelance]CMon: *scurries*
might it be sad that i don't know how to make stickies? <.< >.> 0_0
Come on man, quit being so uptight... be [Smooth].

I is [Smooth] leader. Just so's you know.
erm usally on a forum when you have the ability to make stickies and such you just go onto the thread and near the bottom of the page will be a "make this thread sticky" button
o ok... i don't have the ability then
Come on man, quit being so uptight... be [Smooth].

I is [Smooth] leader. Just so's you know.
pm an admin? i mean your the leader of this clan and well the owner of this board... you should have the rights.