Buying a PC on a low budget
Recently i convinced my parents to buy me a new computer, unfortunately due to the fact that i didn't do as well in my exams as they had hoped they are only giving me £200 to do it with (that's a bit over $300). I might be able to get it up to £300 (~$470) but £400 is pushing it. Anything is an improvement over the piece of crap from 1997 that i call my current PC.
I realise that if i want a decent gaming setup i should build my own for around £500 but that's just not gonna happen. So basically i need a cheap gaming computer that can run most games on the lowest settings and i need some help.
btw i do realise that's quite a tough ask but well... i wouldn't be asking for help if it wasn't tough
Last edited by weed33; Aug 7, 2011 at 01:34 AM.