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What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Well... my mate thinks it was the egg but he has no proof of it. What do you guys think?
Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
the egg, chickens dont come out f nowhere you know -_-

Well... that comes into religous terms
The egg came first.
You know, first there were dinosaurs wich layed eggs. Some million years and evolutions later a chicken came out of an egg.
chicken, chicken knows the egg, egg doesn't know the chicken. Simple isn't it ?
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The egg.

Somewhere along the lines there was some genetic mutation which caused the chicken to be 'born' from the egg. The egg is where the genetic mutation would've taken place. I don't think a chicken would just start laying eggs someday. Chickens would've come from eggs.

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I'm with gerfight and may0naise on this one. Dinosaurs were the first to lay eggs, and then a genetic mutaation caused a chicken to be born from it.

While we, who argue the egg, argue with a basis in the non-religious world, those who argue the chicken seem to just be under the impression of "something cant come from nothing :L"
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by may0naise View Post
The egg.

Somewhere along the lines there was some genetic mutation which caused the chicken to be 'born' from the egg. The egg is where the genetic mutation would've taken place. I don't think a chicken would just start laying eggs someday. Chickens would've come from eggs.

That's a good perspective of looking at it.
Because it evolved from other animals.
I think that is called...evolution
Neither. The ovary.
I disagree saying that it's a good perspective. It's not like one day there was a random ass egg just sitting there and some creature NEVER BEFORE SEEN popped out.
Only platypi (plural platypus) work like that.
Last edited by Alaistier; Aug 18, 2011 at 06:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump