Original Post
Be in my video.
Yeah, name says it all really.

Post up to 3 replays, named in the following way: (Name here) #1-3

Any replays will go, but try to stay away from madmans if possible.

No mods.

No deadline.
Render © Nerfnow: Website
i'll post mine later, I can't upload replays, (due to limit) so i'll make a zip, and rapidshare it.

is that fine?

Last edited by DarkEnergy; Apr 17, 2008 at 01:16 PM.
Dark + Alex 7: Erasus. My last vid.
here are some of my replays for this thing:
Attached Files
0 Double kick.rpl (76.2 KB, 22 views)
0 Combo 19 (pec throw).rpl (103.4 KB, 19 views)
0 Punch Combo 6.rpl (59.6 KB, 17 views)
Black Belt
Member of [RWL]
Dont mess with the Crazedman cause... uhh.. hes Crazed
Ok im really trying on the ones i will post here.
Attached Files
AwesomeO 1.rpl (113.1 KB, 13 views)
AwesomeO 2.rpl (44.3 KB, 9 views)
AwesomeO 3.rpl (46.7 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by AwesomeO; Apr 17, 2008 at 11:06 PM.
I have 3, but I couldn't save some of the names.
Sorry v.v
Last edited by rittu; Apr 24, 2008 at 02:06 AM.