Original Post
[B]50,000 TC Cartoon Set Request
I'm looking for somebody to make me a nice cartoon full 128 set without the head. I want it in a cartoon style with random things all over it. I'm looking for something a little like what Toast has. The main colors should be blue and black, but you should definitely feel free to add any other colors for the designs and details on the set. If the set is good enough I'll probably give you even more TC. If I don't like it I'm not going to pay you anything, but obviously I will not use it. I repeat, I do not want you to make a head. Kthxbai.

I got a set, thanks.
Last edited by xIMDx; Aug 24, 2011 at 09:31 AM.
I wanna join inq.
Imma try, if I make a texture could you try it on since i dont have the sets? plus could i make it in 512x512 ,itll resize anyway
Brent2711: Look at a tutorial on how to put on textures without owning them then take a screenshot. And no, make it in 128 because the quality will be lowered if it is resized.

Vog: Thanks.
I wanna join inq.
Originally Posted by Vog View Post
I'm sorry, but you don't have 50,000tc

Look again. I also have near 150k on my other account.
I wanna join inq.