Original Post
Chaos' Replay thread
Hey everyone, this is where I'm gonna be posting all of my replays for all of you to CnC. (Highly Appreciated.)

New replay, not my best, but it's half decent.

New replays, fresh off the block, Down there.
Attached Files
(Chaos) Binary.rpl (142.6 KB, 24 views)
Last edited by Locus; Aug 23, 2011 at 07:01 PM.
League of Legends NA: Locus
It was pretty good.

I am not a fan of those sort-of symmetrical openers, but the jump you made out of it was alright, though. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the torso kick, it was nice, and it looked strong. The second hit was good, nothing wrong with that hit, too, same criticism as I gave for the torso hit.
But the kick at the groin/glutes part, was really bad. One dismemberment is way too low for that hit, it looked like the kick was completely useless now. The set-up for the pose was decent, the pose it-self was alright.

Overall, I would give this a 7.5/10. If you edit some little things, you can have a good replay.
Haha thanks Sonny. How do you suppose I hit more dms with the glutecluster kick?

After three more CnC I will post a new replay.
League of Legends NA: Locus
i liked it. the opener especially,and how you jumped to uke with the grabkick. 7/10
the back kick looked kinda weird from a certain angle.
you yo daddy son
Binary - Very nice. The begining was a bit too slow for me. but it picked up after the body kick. The boom folowing shorly after a 2dm hit made the replay look very fluid and clean. the pose eh... I don't really like sitting down poses. but overall 7.5/10
Alright, that's three CnC, so I can post my new replay. Got something special at the end... =D
Attached Files
(Chaos) Friend V3.rpl (291.1 KB, 8 views)
League of Legends NA: Locus
I feel bad about bumping my own thread without a replay, but I've got to.
Seriously guys? 21 views on the first replay and 3 comments. Good effort. =P
League of Legends NA: Locus