Original Post
[B]Mr. T Head 20,000
I am paying 20,000 for a realistic Mr. T head. I also want a bump map texture to go with it.(Refer to this. I want it to look extremely smooth and vibrant with a lot of detail. Use many shades of each color that you are going to use. Please take your time with this and make it good. Be sure to include his small gold hoop earrings and make his facial expression like the first spoiler.

Here are some examples. If you need more just go to google.

Last edited by xIMDx; Aug 25, 2011 at 04:17 AM.
I wanna join inq.
I also want you to create a bump map texture for it people.

Looking good StopMePlz, but add more depth to the mohawk somehow and line up his goatee sideburn combo like a barber would. (If you don't give him a good haircut he'll pitty you.) Keep it up.

PM me for details. (Even if it's closed.)
Last edited by xIMDx; Aug 26, 2011 at 07:26 AM.
I wanna join inq.