Mosier's Structured settings comp
K, im starting a weekly comp that hopefully will go well.
Basically, the idea is that I give you guys basic game mode settings, and you guys have to create something epic using just those settings.
This week, i will start with
Mode: classic
DQ 1
Dojotype 1
Dojosize 500
DM threshold 200
Engagedistance 200
Engage Height 50
If I dont mention a setting, then that means that it is at the replay artist's
*Generally, I will never give you guys a setting for turnframes/matchframes because I will encourage different replay lengths and shift+spacing*
Later on, if this comp seems to go well, I will add other criteria such as *you must decap uke in the replay* or *Must be a madman*.
I do this so I can see the community adapt and use different modes and styles and such in SP
k, contest Ends one week from today. April 25th at 2000gmt+0
Prizes are as follows
1st place = 20,000
2nd place = 10,000
3rd place = 5,000
have fun :o
*thank you Nabi for sponsoring this contest with 25,000tc*
edit: 2 entries per person :d
Last edited by Mosier; Apr 18, 2008 at 10:53 PM.