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[B]Black Guy Set 30k
I want a simple tribal set that goes with my stuff and has black guy's faces all over it. I do not want a head or hands with this set!

The main colors should go with Azurite Force and Pure Relax.

All of the heads are to be very visible and stand out. Do not make them huge but do not make them tiny. Just make it so it covers about 60% of the part I want it on. For the legs, make it cover 60% of the front where it is facing uke, not 60% of the whole leg.

I want people on the legs facing the opponent.
I want people on the trails just for it to be their big heads and nothing else.
I want people on the feet facing the sky.
All unmentioned body parts should just have the tribal designs on it.

I want the heads of these people in these spots:

The Black Little Kid Version of Michael Jackson = Left Leg
Chris Brown = Right Leg
Michael Jordan = Right Thigh
LeBron James = Left Thigh
Kanye West = Groin
Lil Wayne = Breast
Bill Cosby = Left Leg Trail
Gary Coleman = Right Foot
Will Smith = Left Foot
I wanna join inq.