Original Post
" I want to Join [Electric] "

: " Hello , this is Electric recruitment thread , follow the rules before posting here"
Electric Recruitment Thread Rules code:
- Do Not Spam
- No Insulting or Swearing
- You can Apply, Fill the form
- Fill the application with the right format
- No Begging
- Don't get off-topic
We're Intrested to Recruit code:
- An Excellent In-game person
- Friendly and kind person
- Active and Useful member
- Decent art skill
- Cool video maker
- Good Marketeer
- Decent Social skill
- Always obey the rules
- Loyal to Electric
- Great Donator
- Non Spammer
- Non Scammer / Liar

Check your name here , Did you pass ?
Member that need to Take Test code:

Member that being Discussed code:
: " I want to Join Electric ! "
: " Well you're in the right place kid ! "
: " What should i do to be a part of Electric ? "
: " Fill this application Form "
Application form code:
Whats your Name ? :
How old are you ? :
Where do you live ? :
Tell me about yourself , why do you want to join Electric ? :
( 30 words minimal , or auto reject )
: " Finish "
: " Well , this ain't right"
Whats your Name ? : My name is NotGreat
How old are you ? : I am 5 years old
Where do you live ? : I live on Earth
Tell me about yourself , why do you want to join Electric ? : Because Electric is a good clan and i've got a green belt

: " Whats wrong ? "
: " You require some thing to join Electric "
: " Ok , what do i need to Join Electric ? "
: " You need to ... "
Requirement code:
- Be atleast black belt
- Have 70 or more postcount
- Active on Forum and Irc
- Speak decent English
- Put some effort

: " Oh well
: " So , sorry , you cannot join "
: " Could i come back if i have met the requirement ? "
: " Ofcourse "
- 1 week Later -
: " Hi , i comeback as i said last week "
: " Great job NotGreat ! Fill the application form again "
: " Here you Go ! "
Whats your Name ? : My name is NotGreat
How old are you ? : I am 5 years old
Where do you live ? : I live on Earth
Tell me about yourself , why do you want to join Electric ? : I have been searching for a clan , and so far i see , Electric is the best clan i've see . Because Electric dsc is neat , the member are nice . I have got a 2 dan Black belt and really active on Forum , Irc and even in-game . You should trust me , i'm a loyal member , i will do everything i can to help increase Electric reputation

: " Ok , good "
: " What should i do next "
: " You could ask for a test to these people "
- Wyverneon
- thedafa13
- Xavoz
- CyberBizm

: " What kind of test ? "
: " Simple In-Game Battle "
: " What kind of Mod for the test ? "
: " 3 Mod , you can choose though "
- Aikido/Aikido Big Dojo
- Wushu/Wushufixed
- Kickbox/Taekkyon

- 1 Hours later -
: " I take the test and they said i pass, What should i do next ? "
: " If your name show up on the discuss list , that mean you're being discussed "
: " How long this process gonna take ? "
: " Bout a week , Be Patience, You could PM Electric Leaders if you curious"
: " Ok , you're gonna Pm me the Result ? "
: " Yes "
- 1 Week Later-
: " Hi, Am i accepted ? I've got the message and come here to Confirm "
: " Yes You're in, Congratulations NotGreat "
: " Awesome, you gonna sent the invite "
: " User Invited "
: " I Accept the Invite "
: " Congratulations , now you're officially an Electric member "
: " Great, where should i do next "
: " Go To Electric Discussion thread , you're welcomed there, But first, Check your name on the Clan Tab "
Last edited by Wyverneon; Oct 12, 2011 at 01:57 PM.
Please bring back Organiζations board
I Want join Electric!
Whats your Name ? :Arya Wahyu
How old are you ? :12
Where do you live ? :Jakarta
What is your GMT ? :+7
What are you good at ? :in-game (wushu)
Proof that your skilled :-
Are you active on the forum ? (1-10) :maybe 7/10
Are you active in-game ? (1/10) :9/10
Are you active on IRC ? (1/10) :6/10
Do You check your Inbox often ? : yes,of course
Show me your UserCard :
Originally Posted by Aero121 View Post
I Want join Electric!
Whats your Name ? :Arya Wahyu
How old are you ? :12
Where do you live ? :Jakarta
What is your GMT ? :+7
What are you good at ? :in-game (wushu)
Proof that your skilled :-
Are you active on the forum ? (1-10) :maybe 7/10
Are you active in-game ? (1/10) :9/10
Are you active on IRC ? (1/10) :6/10
Do You check your Inbox often ? : yes,of course
Show me your UserCard :

But you're already a member
Please bring back Organiζations board
Whats your Name ? :NoSaM360 ( Mark )

How old are you ? : 15

Where do you live ? :Edmonton, Alberta

What is your GMT ? : -6

What are you good at ? :Judo Aikido

Proof that your skilled :Sirss Tested me

Are you active on the forum ? (1-10) : 7 out of 10

Are you active in-game ? (1/10) : 10 out of 10

Are you active on IRC ? (1/10) : 6 out of 10

Do You check your Inbox often ? : Everyday

Why should we accept you as a member ? : I am loyal i can give advice, I can donate lots

Could you participate and help Clan War ? :Yes i could
Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
But you're already a member

yea i know,but if i want join again i must fill app again...
Whats your Name ? : patrick
How old are you ? : 11Years old
Where do you live ? : indonesia
What is your GMT ? : +7
What are you good at ? : In-game skill
Proof that your skilled : wushu fixed&wushupro
Are you active on the forum ? (1-10) : not realy , 5/10
Are you active in-game ? (1/10) : not realy , 5/10
Are you active on IRC ? (1/10) : not really , 1/10
Do You check your Inbox often ? : Yes , ofcourse
Why should we accept you as a member ? : because i will introduced this good clan
Could you participate and help Clan War ? : not realy,
Show me your UserCard :
This is my User Card :
Originally Posted by 9patrick6 View Post
Whats your Name ? : patrick
How old are you ? : 11Years old
Where do you live ? : indonesia
What is your GMT ? : +7
What are you good at ? : In-game skill
Proof that your skilled : wushu fixed&wushupro
Are you active on the forum ? (1-10) : not realy , 5/10
Are you active in-game ? (1/10) : not realy , 5/10
Are you active on IRC ? (1/10) : not really , 1/10
Do You check your Inbox often ? : Yes , ofcourse
Why should we accept you as a member ? : because i will introduced this good clan
Could you participate and help Clan War ? : not realy,
Show me your UserCard :
This is my User Card :

see the recruitment code please
Originally Posted by Recruitment code View Post
- Be atleast black belt *you not achieved this
- Have 70 or more postcount *you not achieved this
- Active On Irc and In-game *you not achieved this
- Speak decent English *you achieved this (maybe)
- Your account must be 1month old or longer *you achieved this
- Have 5 Achievement (Belt Not included) *you not achieved this
- Be able to donate some TC to the ElBank *you must do this

you can come back when you have these recruitment code
at least the bold one
Last edited by thedafa13; Sep 5, 2011 at 06:32 AM.
also known as Darrand