Requirements: -Blue belt at the least
-30 post count minimum
Name ("in-game/irl"):
Special skills (art, replay editing, video editing, etc):
Best mods:
Favorite mods:
Best replay:
Favorite song lyric:
Capitalize every letter "I", "D", and "R" when filling out the app
After applying, you will be tested in Aikido, Judo, Wushu, and possibly TwinSwords. Then, you will be considered.
Name ("in-game/irl"):12345aRby/ethan mackenzIe.
GMT:+12.00 Auckland,New ZealanD.
Special skills (art, replay editing, video editing, etc):aRt and half vIdeo edItIng.
Best mods:JuDo.tbm
Favorite mods:JuDo.tbm,RunnIng.tbm and PaRkouR.tbm
Best replayown the bottom.
Favorite song lyric:I wanna be the veRy best,lIke no-one eveR was.
To catch them Is my Real test,to tRaIn them Is my cause!
Last edited by 12345arby; Sep 11, 2011 at 07:34 AM.
I'll defeat them all and become unbeatable, unlike any other!
&Please try to use better grammar (capitalize the first letter of every sentence, capitalize names, always capitalize the letter "I" if it's by itself, end punctuation, etc).