Original Post
Adminis threaten to remove my flame
Your flame
Your "Dome" flame violates a rule about large flames:
A) Do not create, request or wear flames that cause serious lag in-game or obstruct being able to play the game.

You can either tell me the price of the offending flame (some of which may be refunded) and then send it to me, or I will remove it without refund.

You have three days to respond, after which I will default to the latter option.

Fuck this guy, i have had this flame for about 2 years now . wtf is this?
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
Classic hanz0

He is still as tough as always since.. forever!
Tell him the price, ask how much he would give back? if its not enough. Just don't use it. when hes online obviously.
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
That's messed up, I dl lp'd you ingame, your flame doesn't seem to lag at all.

Also removing it after you having it for 2 years seems retarded, especially if they don't intend to give you a full refund, it's not like you made it against the rules on purpose.

Well good luck, bro.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Ya, what AgentP said. If it doesn't lag his old computer it shouldn't be a problem...
Some nublet from Thirdworldistan probably reported you, lol.

Oh well, that thing probably costs quite a bit, you'll be rich ;)
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
I send 5% of my income to Thirdworldistan btw, just trying to help.

Maybe your custom belt should read "/opt particles 0 Belt"

Not to mention it is the most epic flame I have ever seen, zooming out makes it look like you're creating your own dojo to fight in, but anything less than a complete refund would be ludicrous.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Hanz0: It was brought to my attention. Therefore, I'm dealing with it. Now, would you like to whine some more, or get this sorted out? By my count, today's the last day you have before I remove your choice.

Me:So its between a kick in the balls or a kick in the balls and a slap in the face.

Hanz0:Call it whatever you want. Either you can make a decision, or I can make one for you.
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
ok i thought this was one reason why we had the /opt particles command in the first place.

no flame should cause lag at that point because if you decide to not be retarded and use /opt particles there's no more flame to lag out from. it's not a big deal unless someone like Hanz0 makes it a big deal. i honestly don't think he should have the right to take your flame away on any basis dealing with ingame lag considering it's very fucking simple to type /opt particles.

second, "You can either tell me the price of the offending flame (some of which may be refunded) and then send it to me, or I will remove it without refund." if you ask the price of the "offending" flame you should refund the whole thing not just some. i would ask for a clear definition of what the percent he would give you is. he's not clearly defining his terms he's just trying to force you to send him your flame which seems fishy..

Who complained?

What kind of computer are they using?

If more than one person has complained, how many?

Has Hanz0 personally checked your flame out for lag?

If you're going to remove something from someone shit ACTUALLY does need to be verified not just "give me your flame cause someone complained about it" that reasoning is bullshit.
You don't say?
Yea it seems fishy to me too.
Someone got but hurt and went and complained

Not only that but ive seen bigger flames than mine.
And i dont think he inspected my flame someone probably just bitched about it.

And the way he put the "terms down" really made him come off as a big cunt.
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
Yea dude, if i were you i would get a second opinion from another admin with equal or greater power than Hanz0 as to what to do. bring the whole thing up to them about how he is trying to get you to send him your flame and see what they suggest. you might actually get a good opinion or some help trying to resolve this in a decent manner.
You don't say?
If hanz0 is requesting this you can be sure he actually checked it out ingame before saying anything. He isn't some newbie who just wants to flaunt their power. He's been in some position of power since I joined, so he knows what he's doing.

Honestly your flame is a huge annoyance, if I ever came up against it id /opt particles but I shouldn't have to do that just for one person. Thats why we made that rule.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars