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[VID]Just a perfect Cheat-Gainer
Last edited by R4ff; Sep 19, 2011 at 06:38 PM.
qaywer Mongius BlubKill Jaker GerFight Pinheads Coolino <3 | [TEO] | [T3AL] | [HighTunesYT]
sync was great
the choice of replay/song for the vid wasnt...
the beat did sync with the replay but the last replay imo didnt match with the song
i would have expected some madman replay or something...
the vid was short... it would have been great if you would have added more replays after that great intro (0:00-0:27)
anyways the vid was really well edited

Everything that's necessary was mentioned already, but after 0:28 Jaker's movement was a tad too slow making it a bit worse.
Also ffffsfs too much contrast.
It's All About Expansion
I don't think the song fits well with the video, though there is a nice sync.
too much effects and contrast, at certain points i could barely see the replay, only the effects.

Good things do come in small packages...

Great effects and masking!
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Oh wow, a mixcut. Not everyday you see that.
Well, first things first. Really liked your intro, the logo thing. Looks really cool and just well done overall. But the audio on it is waaaayyy too loud, the audio on the whole video is way too loud to be honest. Great colour choices for the grading, although honestly not too original(orange and gray etc.)
Great use of the mask in the intro, well synced and just very neatly done. Although the masking on 0:20 - 0:24 was pretty useless, didn't really fit and the mask effect gets a tiny bit tired at that point. It also just fades into nothing instead of finishing at the bottom, leaving a 2 second- unsynced gap.
The drop was executed nicely aswell, but oh my god the replay is so slow. It sort of goes from slow into slow. Ruining the whole goddamn drop. The effects are very good and sync very well, they fit perfectly, but that slow motion is just so unneeded. It's like building up into nothing.
And lastly the effect at 0:35 - 0:37 didn't really fit and looked a bit stupid. The text looked really out of place too and there was just quite nothing to it, just plain black text in the middle of the screen. Nothing interesting about it just looked like you slapped it on there in 15 seconds.
Way too loud and way too slow.
nice Scary monsters and nice sprites using skrillex song is nice every time

i love everything on it,effects are good,u used well the mask tool but you sucked at the outro

so i give a 9/10
Effekte sind ganz ok aber ich finde das es bei der video länge kein wirklich großes problem ist nur ich frag mich warum ihr alle so unglsubliche kurze clips macht oO
da kann man sich doch das Überschriften design eigentlich sparen