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Knee treatment (Replay)
A'rright. Just like to drop in and say high, + posting this replay. I've been playing for about 2 or 3 days, trying to get the essentials and such. If there's anything, don't be afraid to ask. The DT is 100 (default).
Attached Files
Knee treatment.rpl (49.4 KB, 23 views)
Unfortunately it was stiff and symmetrical, but not bad for a beginner since you got a lot of dismembers

Btw, bumping is allowed, but usually not after just an hour, usually better etiquette is considered around a day or so, and even then it is sometimes still frowned upon.
Since when did I become Asian?
Thanks . I'm aware of the stiff-ness, what I liked about it was the dismembers . I can do non-stiff moves, but those end up either dismembering one limb or none, if you know what I mean :P