Pretty awesome. I might add it in my tori :'D
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
I'm going to be trying my hand at making one of these in the next couple of days, hope that's okay.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
I'm going to be trying my hand at making one of these in the next couple of days, hope that's okay.

Do it.
also, i'm using it as leg texture. lel
Haha great. Now all I need to do is buy a cheap expensive as hell 512 texture for it. So do your best to make it awesome sauce. Also, nice deleted post hugo.
daddy kill the spider
So I didn't get to do the actual arm band, YET. Because I've been getting a lot of work in. But I did draw up some designs, I'd love to hear your opinions on them.

Which one do you like most, which one do you like least etc, etc.

Design #1


Design #2


Design #3


Design #4


Design #5


Design #6


As I said, let me know what you think. Remember, these were all done in a couple of minutes.

P.S. The reason some designs have a copy is because one of them has a background and the other does not. I did this in-case any of you wanted to use them for anything. And yes, you all have my permission to use these.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~