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Shader Inconsistency
I was wondering why the shaders are very inconsistent across different pc's...

Look here, my soft shadow is very dull, barely exists at all.

whereas war-hero's one is nice and dark and big. D:

my blood is thin and there is always gaps between the individual pieces of blood

but here it is much more realistic and all the bits of blood join togethor to make a flying blood stream. D:

Is this to minimize lag on older/less powerful computers? If so, I would like an option to just go full out on the graphics, which could be used for videos, since the footage can be sped up anyway.
Mmkay, I don't actually have either of your pcs to check in detail, but I guees at some explanations.
For the soft shadow, the one were it is very faint, you are high off the ground, and the dark one, he is very low. Closer you are to the ground, the dark the shadow, should be pretty obvious.
As for the blood, you may notice that a single dismembered joint bleeds more than one amongst many. That would explain why in yours (which have many broken joints) have little blood, and the others (which appear to only have a decap or some such) have more.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

On jam's last pic it only has 1 dismember though.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
well i have been using shaders for a while now and have never seen a constant blood stream like the video, and have never gotten a shadow even close to as dark as war hero's.

also i used shadows on my mates NVidia GeForce 9800GTX Ultra (absolutely fuckin awesome graphics card) about 15 min ago, (just got back from my mates house.) and it had the constant blood, and dark soft shadows...

maybe this is a matter of whether you have the bare minimum pixel shader 2, or something higher. from what i have seen the cards with pixel shader 3 or 4 look substantially better than pixel shader 2 with the shaders enabled.
Last edited by Jam0864; Apr 27, 2008 at 04:39 AM.
do you have all settings to 1? it probobly overuses your card, and makes it less quality, i need to get whatever war hero has!
also, it could have to do with what you took your picture with, infact thats it.