Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
A way of punishing rage quiters
whenever a noob loses a tourney final he rage quits and that is very annoying .
We must find a way to make them stop this .. if you have any sugestions plss post them here and mabie a staff member will be able to help us . Stop The Noobs ! ! !
Interesting, this is a new one. You're mad about them quitting AFTER the match, not even during? Why is it a problem?
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Strangelove, i think he means that when the noob about to lose they quit and the prize don't are given...
But yes this would be very interesting to stop the noobs, i already lose lot of tourneys because these noobs ragequitter just when i was about to win and the tourney continued, i lose, and the prize go to my foe D: