Originally Posted by
This looks really good, but to me it looks low quality. It definitely needs to be enhanced with photoshop or something.
The main focal point looks good but the blurry spots look pretty .jpgis
Will look so much better once you play with the contrast and the colors and fix those blurs.
You can't fix those blurs that is not in the focus, its shot that way thats how photography works. What you can fix is the resolution because the original file is in a huge format (RAW) but the thing is that uploading it and compressing it for internet preview takes a lot of the quality away.
Originally Posted by
This type of picture is overrated and ovreused >:
Not overrated but overused maybe. The thing is that its an easy way to get an interesting shot, and water is pretty much everywhere so. What I find interesting with this photography is that instead of waiting for a drop to fall why not take a huge rock and throw it in to the water :3 less cliche then.
Last edited by Ezeth; Oct 6, 2011 at 11:25 PM.