Original Post
Head Texture..
Well, I have a head texture, and the texture so everyone can see it, and i decided that one i didn't like so i have this new one, and it won't work, i have left tb for a day, still nothing.
Make sure you have activated the head texture. Deactivate and activate it anyways. Upload your head texture again, and make sure that it has the correct dimensions and "rules". Restart Toribash.
I almost got samekind of problem [Sorry for posting this into your thread]

But. I can see my head texture when I play with my own computer [Shaders doesn't work].
Now I played with other computer (Windows Vista),[Shaders work] ( I wanted to see how my head look with shaders on ). But, I can't see my head. I've checked the custom file -> Shockz, the head's TGA is in there, but I can't see it on ingame..
Anyone know how to solve this?


P.S. I've tried to upload it many times.

EDIT: No Problemos anymore, got it fixed Yay ^^
Last edited by Shockz; May 3, 2008 at 02:30 PM. Reason: Fixed
I got the eye of Sharingan.