Original Post
Ivory force
starting bid:1k
Minimum bid 2k
end of auction after last valid bid

Ivory primary gradient
starting bid 500tc
minimum bid:500tc
autobuy 1.5k
end of auction after last valid bid

Ivory secondary gradient
starting bid 500tc
minimum bid:500tc
end of auction after last valid bid

accepting joints as bidding and tc
Last edited by spitfired; Oct 26, 2011 at 02:41 PM.
on what item?? force or the gradients?
oh and if it is on force your bid is invalid
you have to bid 3k in order to get an valid bid
Last edited by spitfired; Oct 26, 2011 at 02:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Mr. Auction scammer (spitfired) has been banned for 3 months in relation to this thread. If you had any active trades with him contact a market squad member or me.