Original Post
Shop advice
I have earned a good bit of TC here and there, and I'm ready to buy my first force. I have around 740 TC and was wondering if anyone new of anything that looks really nice that I can afford. (Yes. I have perused the shop to no end. I do not want marine, orc, or chronos...)
Juryo is a nice "skin-like" color and it isnt expensive

Star Moderated Message:
Do not ask people to click your on.toribash link.
Last edited by Star; Oct 30, 2011 at 08:49 AM.
I really want this combo:
Gaia relax + aqua force.
=S By my caculations and market browsing, I will need about 2000 to make that happen.
Since aqua relax is only 1900 TC and gaia is force 900 TC, maybe you just haggle in the market.
If both will cost 2800 TC, you can start by offering 60% of 2800 to the seller.

If you want to learn more about haggling, goto Onamist's fabolous thread:
More about haggling?
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
just win a couple of tourneys to get about 7k then just get acid
can be hard for beginners though :F
Last edited by HEAVENLY1444; Nov 3, 2011 at 07:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
That was easily the worst tip so far.
Like...what? Are you saying I am to narrow the search down to things i can afford? There is a button for that, and it's where i have already looked.