Original Post
Nabi Weekend Tournament x3 #2
Nabi Weekend Tournament x3

Welcome to the Nabi Weekend Tournament x3 thread!
Well what's this?
This is an event where is four parts.
Each part contains three tournaments in one week, so it's 12 tournaments overall.
The tournaments will be held in Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 15:00 GMT with daylight savings time in Server 9. They are Black Belt only tournaments.
The prize of each tournament is
30 000 ToriCredits

Week 2


9th May
15:00 GMT
Server 9


10th May
15:00 GMT
Server 9


11th May
15:00 GMT
Server 9



We use Knockout mode.
Black Belt only.
The last two competers proceeds to finals.
In finals, the first competer to register five wins will win.
It is not a win if your opponent is AFK or disconnects.
AFK competers are not allowed to further compete in these tournaments.
Neither are disconnected or pinged.
It is the discretion of the Officials as to allow disconnected players to continue in the competition.
Max Clients is 30.
If you spec halfway through a bout, it's poor sportmanship and might result in a subsequent tournament ban.
Speak in English. Those who overuse any other language will be kicked and so not allowed to compete anymore.
Do not swear.
Players entering after the first fight will not be allowed to compete.
Last edited by Tonakai; May 14, 2008 at 07:47 AM.
Interesting, might be there for wushu but thats it D:
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
The competitions that take place on Friday's are almost imposssible for me to make D:
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Soo, do we have to announce which tournaments we're going to fight in? Or do we just show up, and whoever can't get in because of a full server can just eat tough beans and sour grapes?
Originally Posted by Qzzrbl View Post
Soo, do we have to announce which tournaments we're going to fight in? Or do we just show up, and whoever can't get in because of a full server can just eat tough beans and sour grapes?

Meaning, you don't have to announce.
Last edited by Tonakai; May 5, 2008 at 03:47 PM.
this is coming up this weekend?

Betabox,9th May,15:00 GMT,Server 9

*Cough* well yes it will be in 9th of May (This week) ;)