Original Post
Evil Device
Warning: This mod may cause more damage to the user than the victim and has been declared a hazard to all living things within a radius of 200 feet. Keep device away from eyes, and any other part of your body you wish to keep.

Grab the first turn, or your hand will be gone in the next 25 frames. Also, I don't suggest trying to get rid of it unless you want lose your hand.

It does no justice as a screen shot. It's much better in action, trust me.

Oh right, It only works with 3.3

Make sure you extend both your wrist and elbow, or you may be unpleased. Added more spinny to the entire device.
Attached Files
EvilDevice.tbm (1.4 KB, 40 views)
EvilDevice2.tbm (1.6 KB, 25 views)
Last edited by Nuyashaki; May 6, 2008 at 07:27 PM.
hmm, seems kinda pointless if your hand is gone by only 25 frames, doesn't really give you much time to do a cool move. :/
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
What I mean is that if you don't grab, you'll lose your hand. If you do, keep it away from everything else.
EDIT: Ten fucking downloads, two of which were from me. I feel hated.
Last edited by Nuyashaki; May 6, 2008 at 06:42 PM.
Legal Double Post
I made another one. This one has an extra axis of rotation, causeing the blades to seem more uneven and twisted, sorta like an evil person.
HA!!! NOT instagib. Description: Lots of really fast spinning blades, that seem to want to kill you more than uke.
2 axis of rotation for all but one blade. They spin around your hand, and in a sawblade motion. So yeah, it's evil.
In otherwords:
you didn't really give much of a description, what happens in the mod? Is it just a a bunch of linked stuff that spins around?

is this 3.3 beta??
if not then, how'd u made those objects spin??
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt