Original Post
[vid]some sort of dance

well again just used movie maker, I made some mistakes like when I repeat the spin with the shinning effect kinda lags to get to that clip, still I think it looks cool dont you? :P
Become a phantom
Mac Muffins.
As wierd as it may sound,I agree with Oracul,it has abosulutely nothing stylish in it but in someway it is catchy and makes me replay it 5-10 times an hour.

Good job on that.
I play games and lift weights.
thanks a lot!
I thought exactly the same thing, this is by far my best you know :0
my other vids are crap.
thanks for passing by.
Become a phantom
Mac Muffins.
Sorry, but I didn't like it all.

It's not just the camera work or transitions, but the fact that your used the same replay over and over again really annoyed me.
Honestly I'd like to know why you guys like it. It's just clips put together. You did nothing but render.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up