Original Post
Little Post of Unique Replays
Hello Hello. While this is my first post on the forums. i have been Toribash-ing for quite some time (back around version 2.4-ish?) so while i dont favor calling myself a "pro" i'm definately not unfamiliar with the in's and out's of toribash.

So Here are some Nice Replays i've collected.

Arm_Crunch is a simple uppercut taking off uke's arm cleanly.
Backflip_Knee is a rather unique one. hard to explain. but it's awesome.
Cartwheel_In_Half is a move in which i sever an arm, then split him in half.
Groin_Ache is a terribly painful looking groin kick, followed by an arm sever.
Kick_In_Half is a terribly fast and clean one. Quickly kicks uke in half.
Reverse_Elbow is a replay in which i spin around, elbow an arm off, then kick off the other one.

I know alot of the endings are boring. so sue me. hope you enjoy.
Attached Files
Arm_Crunch.rpl (60.1 KB, 9 views)
backflip_Knee.rpl (57.3 KB, 5 views)
Cartwheel_In_Half.rpl (73.7 KB, 4 views)
Groin_Ache.rpl (63.0 KB, 4 views)
Kick_In_Half.rpl (30.0 KB, 4 views)
Reverse_elbow.rpl (71.5 KB, 4 views)