Christmas Lottery
Original Post
New coleader
Since cloogoo and infants are gone for now, i think tis time to elect a coleader.
simply post yes if you think we should no if you think it should remain single ruler 2worlds
I can already tell that 2worlds was a dipshit...
[TCaP]2worlds: oj doesen't mean orange juice...
[TCaP]2worlds: oj = ORANGATANG JUICE!!!
qwerty111: my....
qwerty111: I love that juice...

Im voting yes, twoworlds is corrupt and i know a lot of people in TCaP so i think definately yes. Also cula keep people from hurting me, i'm afraid of this clan XD. They strong and number many
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
If Im corrupt, then why am i not using my powers that i still have on these forums, you wanna explain that
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ