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[Art] Dragon Giraffe
A girl on facebook got this awesome Giraffe painting that I got inspired by. The sketch started like a giraffe and ended up as a Dragon, and I have no idea how that happened.

Made in Photoshop CS4.
Last edited by Ezeth; Nov 19, 2011 at 03:09 AM.
Looks like more of a prehistoric bird than a giraffe or a dragon.
Other than it's your typical drawing by the great Ezeth
looks like an alien bird species or just a prehistoric bird
I don't get the dragon part
the color gave it away as an alien or bird
still awsome
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

For me it looks like a llama+bird+goat.

Btw, it's a great art you made Ezeth.
Seeing the randomness and the colors of your typicalart style makes me happy.
By the way I like this art, because it's not that messy and it's clean.
Although the background and the eyes do looks kind'a messy.
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
For me this looks like a realistic version of that pokemon with the skull on his head. Forgot the name.

Great work on the speedpainting feel as always, what i'd like to see from you is something you try really hard on going into every detail. It would indeed be something for the ages if you did so.
Damn vikings.
Well, I usually end up with sketch looking results because making it perfect will double the amount of work, yes I am quite lazy.