Original Post
Electing Our New Leader/leaders
Ok everyone 2worlds has quit Tcap, I know *CRY CRY* but we need to elect a new leader/leaders, I have made a list of the members I think that should be under consideration:


I have came up with an asome Idea of all of us being the High Consel of TCaP and each of us having equal controll so that nobody becomes a dictator and there is a balnce of power, please post your opinion!
Last edited by Killer111; May 8, 2008 at 09:31 PM.
[Sin]Killer111 3rd DAN BLACK BELT
When You Hit A Wall, Dont Stop, Go It All Out
Put me up for election. I have run a clan before, and Infants can tell you about that. mebbe you and all 2nd dans + could form the TCongress.
ok killer, i say your not eligable, your brand new
if i had my opinion otherone should be co-leader, because hes old, but not active enough, chewbacca, real cool awsome guy, not old enough, and we would get bad rep if our leader was brown belt
and me very stuck-upishly should be leader >.> considering im the most active, highest belt, and oldish, also i will have powers to forums, and im the only person with teh pass to the server, also all people have a say in the clan, unlike last time around. its a DEMOCRACY
i put up a poll, sorry if you not in, i have better judgment than most people who joined this clan 2 days ago