Artist: Aveance
Size: 512x512 (torso is 128x128.)
Recolour/Resize: No
Previous owner: Zalmoxis
TC only, although I might accept some awesome items. Don't offer me a huge amount of crappy items though.
Price: 220k+ (bare in mind that toxico21 already offered 190k for this set.)
Uhh, thanks for trying to help, but if you read the first post properly you would've realised that I do accept items too, as long as they're very good.
Originally Posted by Danzos
Full QS
Nah thanks, I could only make around 130k from that probably, maybe a little more, but still too low. Just try to sell it and then buy this off me with TC.
Alright, I can sell this for a solid price of 220k now. Just know that this was originally going to be sold for around 300k, so you should take this offer while it's up. Feel free to haggle, but I won't go a whole lot lower.