Thanks bud. We look pretty good on those bars! Also, I suck at climbing... It was definitely fun though. you guys should spar with him sometime seems like a pretty good guy. /truth
God, that's an awkward opener. How the fuck did that first DM happen? I love that core, though. It's your first madman, it's a challenge in and of itself.
Here's my first madman, I did it a while ago. It was also my first boom.
God, that's an awkward opener. How the fuck did that first DM happen? I love that core, though. It's your first madman, it's a challenge in and of itself.
Here's my first madman, I did it a while ago. It was also my first boom.
It was also my first boom and I have no idea how that first DM happened.
Your boom was epic :O your opener was also kinda weird and everything i else i loved
Last edited by Natejas; Jan 3, 2012 at 11:55 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~