Socialism vs Capitalism
So... yeah. These two things are probably what is causing every single argument going on today. No joke, Socialism and Capitalism are the two sides. You may be on either side...
Capitalism is the world’s dominant economic system. Within it, the means of production and distribution are owned by individuals: private ownership and free enterprise are believed to lead to more efficiency, lower prices, better products and rising prosperity. Socialism advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and industry by the community as a whole: the community is believed to be both more just and more efficient through central planning. In Marxist theory Socialism represents the stage following capitalism in a state transforming to communism; for many, however, it is a goal in itself.
This binary view of potential political and economic systems may be thought simplistic, but it is a debate that is extremely common, especially after the 2008 financial crisis led many to question the western capitalist economic system. Necessarily, many other systems are not touched upon.
~Alex Deane
So... let's start this debate... myself... I'm a capitalist. Most others... are socialists. I'm not my brother's keeper. I won't let the government take my money that I have rightfully earned and then just give it to people who don't have a lot of money! That's not fair! They should get off their lazy ass and work harder!
Please take the time to read "Atlas Shrugged". It will give you a taste of what I'm talking about.
If you know nothing about this, please don't post. You should be able to a have a clear understanding of this topic before you post.
So, what do you think?