Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Focz & Danzos
You both made about 4 guys decline their invitations for being dicks, that's not nice.
Soft your spelling when dealing with new guys, not like "I FUCKING HATE YOU, WHORE" because you both are ruining the look of the clan, really.
Take this warn serious, because i'm getting sick of your moron attitudes.
I know you have all the right of reject people, but try to be nice instead of idiots.

If you want to complain, hit me a pm.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
I second this. Everyone has there right to their own opinion in this this and they can reject people on any bases they want. But being a total retarded raging dick about it doesn't help the image of our clan.
Aka jusmi.