Original Post
[3D]FAMAS Assault Rifle
Hello everyone!
I thought it would be cool to show what im working on lately.
Its a 3D FAMAS model, which i am planning to implement into Killing Floor as a gun mod.
Please note that this is MY FIRST MODEL EVER, so thats why it might look weird to you.
Here it is: (warning, crapload of pics ahead )

shittonne of images

C&C will be appreciated!
please read the art board rules befor posting again.
thou shalt have one tag, and only one.
thine images, when large or exxesive amounts, should be contained within spoilers.
next time the thread gets closed.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
what about current poly count? it doesn't seems to be so high ^^
looks good =D
i'll follow this to see new updates
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
I see tons of triangles that could have been avoided and you can easily reduce the polycount tons. The model itself is pretty cool tho :3
think it trough next time you make a model like this, better planning and topology will give you a better model.

I think its an ok model for its use, I play killing floor myself and know that a model like this will fit pretty well into the game.
What file do you save it as in order to work in killing floor? .UTX?

Keep on modeling
Last edited by Ezeth; Dec 19, 2011 at 03:51 AM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
I see tons of triangles that could have been avoided and you can easily reduce the polycount tons. The model itself is pretty cool tho :3
think it trough next time you make a model like this, better planning and topology will give you a better model.

I think its an ok model for its use, I play killing floor myself and know that a model like this will fit pretty well into the game.
What file do you save it as in order to work in killing floor? .UTX?

Keep on modeling

Thanks Yeah i know it looks weird and it has been modelled weird, but please consider its my first model ever. To make it work in killing floor, first i gotta save it in normal 3ds max format, then load it into UDK which converts it into the right format. But there's load of work to do before that, like texturing and animatin
I will keep modeling, as it makes me happy and i enjoy doing it

Originally Posted by maxfire1 View Post
pretty nice , reminds me of my days in Cod blackops , color it in camoflouge

Yeah it might remind you from black ops, but the black ops model is different and i believe an older version with a crappy sight, so sorry no. Also i wont colour it in any camouflages as i will apply normal gun textures on it.

Thanks for the feedback, i would appreciate some more
Originally Posted by Bl4ckDr4g0N View Post
Yeah it might remind you from black ops, but the black ops model is different and i believe an older version with a crappy sight, so sorry no.



no your wrong, you have the famas F1 verson, or the original and oldest.

so sorry but facts were wrong?
oh then nevermind.. actually its a kind of a mix of F1 and G2, but is still different than the black ops one. The MW2 FAMAS looks like this one.