Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Game] Evaluation Time!
Let's evaluate our fellow Business associates. Just give a general synopsis of the user that posts above you and follow that with a rating out of ten signifying how good you think that associate is at doing their job. Try to keep your posts above sea level intelligence so we don't get shut down by the man. K go do me!
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
This guy above me. Total douche. All he does is ramble on about important stuff and answer questions and shit. He posts way too much.. Doesn't he know clans are supposed to be inactive? I never really see him in game, though. Not to mention he's a total ass. Over all? A good businessman.
ranking: 8/10.
Troll away, boys.
-looks at Tom's signature- ...

I don't really know Ala.. Al.. Alasti.. Screw it. I don't know him, so I can't really give a valid evaluation. But, he's in the clan, he must be good for something. :3
Huc is the fuck, man. He means business hard. He gets off from showing people what he's made of. pretty good at art. He says he makes music but I can't vouch for him there. I think he is a good representative for the clan. Always seems levelheaded and confident. I think he will grow to be more influential in our business. 7/10 for the room to improve. 6/10 for not leaving a good review of ala and not giving a ?/10 score. I look forward to more business transactions with huc.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
*wants to type... but is stunned looking at the sky*
*I see birds flying above my head... I can see something*
*They are magically forming diferent forms and shapes... i'm like Oh May Gawd!*
*I see a name... a big name. it says "TomPaine"*

*I think about him, and come to the conclusion that he says he's an ass in his signature, so he MUST be cool, else he wouldn't humilate himslef in front of billions of birds*

Then I wake up and start posting: TomPaine: The most epic, serious, no troll Business Man ever created by toribashians. :>

score.... score... hummm..... hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Can't give score, System failure Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.

That alone gives you a 1/10 rating, sir. Normally you'd get like 7/10 or 6/10 cause you generally seem like a nice guy though occasionally a bit full of yourself. The average grade of all that would be about 4,67/10. :|

Nothing to see here.
@tom: Super nice and forgiving type of guy. But sometimes can be random, which is cool.


@alaistier: Can be a bit critical at times, but he is the type of guy i'd hang out with in real life.


@Huc: I've known him on and off. Don't know much about him really. He seems very chill though.


@Cerb: Once again, don't know an awful lot about him. But he is really good at art and he seems gentle.


@Roz: Extremely sarcastic, but honest at the same time. He is also cool to talk and chill with.

Aka jusmi.
Grammar nazi and a bitch at times, and says things like they are, so he's just like me, so i like him alot.
9/10 yay.
It's All About Expansion
The guy above me sucks but he's the first fag i've made some sort of gay friendship into my stupid toribash life and almost every clan this whore joined i've joined aswell <3

But he still sucks 9.75/10
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada