Original Post
Your/My Hobbies
Hello all,
I was just rather bored and thought of the idea of making a thread here to
discuss, post pics, etc..of the various hobbies that you guys have, figured it
could be interesting, but I suppose pictures or discussion of sports won't be
that interesting.

Also I saw that other thread about that one guy's hobby and figured a thread
like this could be interesting. He posted it more like 'Hey I do this' rather than
letting others post what they enjoy doing in their spare time as well.

But if this is still considered a duplicate thread I'm assuming it will be dealt
with appropriately anyway.

Right now my hobbies are mostly Archery and Hunting.

I have two crossbows(one now belongs to my brother), two compound bows
and one traditional wooden recurve bow.

I'm currently in Austria, taking traditional archery lessons once a week and I
practise at home once a day.

My Bow is a traditional wooden bow, all wood and no fancy arrow rest, just a
old school wooden 'shelf' for the arrow to sit in.

It has 30lbs of draw at 29" of draw, gets about 180fps with my predator II
arrows. I'm fairly accurate at 10,15 and 20 yards.

The bow cost me 230€(about 300 USD) and 6€(about 10 USD) per arrow.
If your wondering why the bow was so expensive its because it was hand made in Austria.

My Recurve Bow

My other hobby is hunting, I usually live in British Columbia Canada, we have moose, deer, caribou, bears, wolverines, wolves, coyotes, cougars and the like.

I have two crossbows that I hunt with, a 225lb Excalibur Equinox and a 175lb Excalibur Ibex, both super awesome to hunt with and perfectly accurate.

The Equinox cost me about $1100 back in Canada, with 4 arrows and the other necessities, I bought 10 hunting arrows with tips for about $230(Easton firebolts and mechanical broadheads) with the way the arrows are fletched and the way the tips are curved the arrow spins in flight and I also bought a rather overpriced sling for $200.
I also bought a flemish string which gave my bow about 10-15 extra fps.
With my current arrows/setup I get about 346fps and enough kinetic energy to pass through a medium sized elephant. I also have super heavy hunting arrows, about 700 grains with tips, 22" long, which obviously give it even more kinetic energy.

The Ibex cost me about $800, found out later that its a special edition worth a bunch of dem USDs. It gets about 310fps with my brother's current setup, with the super light high FOC arrows.

Planning on getting something once I get back to Canada, but I may have to wait until next season.

The Crossbows [Equinox Right] [Ibex Left]

Found some other interesting pictures.

My mechs

My target

My bow again

Your turn
Last edited by AgentP; Dec 22, 2011 at 11:22 AM.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
It's winter now, at least in finland it is, and most of my friends are downhill skiing, so i decided to start it aswell since i like the sport and it's alot of fun to go to the slope with friends.
I bought my twintip skis, Fischer Villain Pro's used, and got Marker X2 bindings with them but unfortunately those bindings are pretty crappy and buying new ones and replacing them would cost alot, so i'll probably change them next season. Those only cost 200€ though, so it was a good deal since new Villain Pro's cost at least 300€ without bindings if i remember right.
My poles are Armada and cost 35€, and my boots are Dolomite's and they were 30€, used but decent.
My helmet is Red and it cost 70€ and my goggles are Spy and i bought them used from my friend for 30€.
I'm not too skilled yet because i just started.
K, so, some pictures here.

My boots are pretty much like this.





I only have a different lense on my goggles.
Last edited by Jodarok; Dec 22, 2011 at 01:07 PM.
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