Original Post
[Tex]Sharp Teeth Monster
Wip #1

Suggest Stuff
And Also Im looking for a nice shader example of a monster eye shaders if anyone can
(\(\(\ My work /)/)/)
_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
From the picture everything looks offset to the right.
The eyes are okay, the idea for them is weird and its not really working in my opinion. I think its because the mix between super spaced out eyes and eyes that are practically overlapping.
The mouth, errr, teeth are not the greatest. There is no really depth in the teeth,the teeth kinda look like they start in the back and jutt out far.
perhaps try shading it to look more appropriate, depending on if you want the teeth to look like they head into the mouth instead of out of the mouth, or vice versa.

Were you perhaps trying to make the teeth in "rows" similar to how sharks have their teeth?
The head in my opinion has potential.

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Originally Posted by justinlol View Post
Uh, try adding depth.

The mouth looks like its on top and the eyes look like drops.


Lol No it doesnt
I will add more stuff to the eyes.
Also I didnt though of it this way they really look like drops :o


Originally Posted by Nate456 View Post
From the picture everything looks offset to the right.
The eyes are okay, the idea for them is weird and its not really working in my opinion. I think its because the mix between super spaced out eyes and eyes that are practically overlapping.
The mouth, errr, teeth are not the greatest. There is no really depth in the teeth,the teeth kinda look like they start in the back and jutt out far.
perhaps try shading it to look more appropriate, depending on if you want the teeth to look like they head into the mouth instead of out of the mouth, or vice versa.

Were you perhaps trying to make the teeth in "rows" similar to how sharks have their teeth?
The head in my opinion has potential.

Im going to remove the third teeth because they dont look good and I will follow your guide thnx
Last edited by KillTheCook; Dec 27, 2011 at 12:55 AM.
(\(\(\ My work /)/)/)
_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
where is the mouth ? if that sharp thing is a mouth, that doesn't look like a mouth, keep it up, and make the eye better.

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