Hello all I have created a University For new players to learn how to be Killer's like our teachers, We will have meets and will help you through Pm's, Our highly trained teachers will help you become a Killer, Pm me if you are interested in enrolling, this is not a clan, its a school
I'll be a teacher for 50tc/day (I suggest you get a toribooster)
Mastered Art: Wushu
4th Dan (3 of the dans were all earned from almost solely playing wushu)
I'm available any day from about 12-PST til 22-PST (-8GMT)
Forum PostingLeader of UkeDemon 4th Dan Black Belt
<C0XY> i wrote a artical for the torinews... im proud
<m0om> <O >
* Cevius[Work] has kicked Cevius[Work] from #toribash (<O>==============================O))))))) [BANLAZORED])
<m0om> <O>