I will be a pleasure!
But I am not rly knowledgeable in this field. These will be my first real headphones. So far I used only in-ear phones (Sony and Sennheiser) and some Genius over-ear crap a few years ago that had only bass, which was terrible. I celebrate the day my friends Pit-Bull chewed them xd.
So I don't have anything to compare them. Except my Altecs, which are ok for me now, When I got them they were few steps ahead of my old Jazz 5.1 system. They were crisp, bright. Since I heard a lot of speakers, so my Altecs are not high on my list, not many phones tho.
These Superlux HD-668B just fell from some review when I goggled "best 50 usd phones". After some exploring they really felt they were the best for 50 usd. It sounds cheap, but who knows, I am willing to take the risk, if they are crap, they will make a nice present for a friend xd.
EDIT: just ordered it from e-bay, now the wait
Last edited by missuse; Dec 30, 2011 at 10:37 PM.