Original Post
I Will Pay use TC..
or i can add Items..
Looking for Void Head Flame..
Offer Guys!
Selling something? Need some toricredits? Click this quickly.
Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
only a head flame?

Yes, i looking for Void head Flame..
Selling something? Need some toricredits? Click this quickly.
Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
I've got one of those.
Offer in my thread:
[A]Void Head Flame

Too High!
Looking for 30k Flame..
Selling something? Need some toricredits? Click this quickly.
Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.