not really... that one was actually done following his tutorial by like 99%. I'm using different stuff on this one, although on the same line, but different.
and since it's a head based of another one... and my other one was aswell they kinda look the same, but aren't. The other one has some bubbles at the back and on the sides, this one has som sort of scales shading on some of the spikes :>
I'm thinking on working this shading technique on future heads, it's very easy to do, looks great and it actually some moments like, "OMG *holds breath* this may look epic!" then you try it and it actually looks good, so yea, I'm sticking with this kind of shading for a while ( I'll still do my normal shading heads )
and the biggest news is that i'm going back to robotics ( doing bio stuff aswell, but more robotics )
i'm also thinking on making this head free, what you guys think?