Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Timeline of #hi
Me and ego(and possibly lsl since he was there for a while and we're probably going to draft xiao int it if he shows up) are going to attempt to make a near complete timeline of the IRC channel #hi.
Add whatever you like if you find it appropriate

EDIT: since we're both lazy bastards, we will start this time.
Last edited by Satiknee; Jan 28, 2012 at 04:27 AM.
I am a magnificent volcano.
okay okay so

Around october 2010 #hi has been created when mishmosh was being a faggot and GHB ragequit #psi (which was a clan) and made #hi for his friend to join.
Friends being xiaoneko, nierel ;~; and satiknee.

Simultaniously I was being active in #market, got +h from lsl and @, & and ~ pretty fast.
lsl then “left” toribash and came back as qsy and joined #hi.
That was around christmas-ish iirc.

Nierel died, xiao became inactive.

sid was there pretty early too but hardly active, joined every other week or so. vOv
cretor hang around, but hardly ever talked.

I was affk for around 3 months starting january, gave up GHB and came back as redundant.

I became msquad.

Thorn and Alan joined.

somewhere in there you went afk while still being redundant. For about 4 months methinks
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Ye, that was when I became an arsonist.
And before I lost it for a week or so because of storm fucking up router.
That was way later though.
It's not like me and Thorn joined simultaneously, I remember when we invited Thorn in, I didn't even knew him back then. I joined around the time lxor was known by the nick ryan I think.
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
It's not like me and Thorn joined simultaneously, I remember when we invited Thorn in, I didn't even knew him back then. I joined around the time lxor was known by the nick ryan I think.

It was really close. Like a week or so.
I am a magnificent volcano.
Nah, few months.

MrManiac was still in #hi, Redundant was Basti, etc. The main reason I joined #hi was to regain contact with ryan, then I got to know Ego and I fell in love with him, then Xiao, then you came in the channel actively (since I didn't see you when I firstly joined) and then we started inviting people. We both* decided to create clans for ourselves and then we merged with sid's clan, turning into #h.

*both: Ego and ryan, me and Thorn.

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