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stupid gimp bug help
help me, everytime i save a flat in my gimp, i will always see a deformed picture on the side which will result in a nicely bought head, having bad seams, pls help me solve this issue.
This is not gimp problem , it's your problem , this face is much big.

* Imagine this image in your tori
* Tori's head is not big .
toriality: really? i suggest you study about tori head texture sizes ;ike 128, 256, and in the pic: 512.

katsudon: cant the scratches aint mirrored
Joshua the only bit that DOES NOT have mirrored scratches is the white main face part i suggest you mirror from just after the last little green circle , the top black bits scratches are mirror'd and the bit with the circles are also mirrored look :0
Shit nvm there not mirrored but the black scratches are :O
Last edited by phantom; Jan 29, 2012 at 05:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
♥ mushu♥